Natural Selection.
Recommended for Grade 3+, General Audience
Service Description
Join Darwin on his voyage with the HMS Beagle to the Galapagos Islands where he was inspired to develop his later theory of transmutation by natural selection. From the comfort of Down House in Kent, Darwin himself will explain the mechanism of natural selection to the audience, and support it by showing many beautiful examples in nature. Duration: 41 minutes NGSS Aligned: 3-LS3-1, 3-LS4-2, MS-LS4-4, MS-LS4-6, HS-LS4-1, HS-LS4-2 Movie Trailer:
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please email: for cancellation requests. Refer to guidelines found in Group Application and Agreement form.
Contact Details
201 Memorial Dr, Paterson, NJ, USA